MRPlacemarkResponse Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MRPlacemarkResponse.h


Contains the results of a placemark request.


An array of MRPlacemarkResult. If distances are available, results are sorted by distance in ascending order. Otherwise, results are sorted by placemark name.

@property (nonatomic, strong, nullable) NSArray<MRPlacemarkResult*> *results

Declared In



When results are paginated, this request can be used to load the next page of results. Will be nil if there are no more results.

@property (nonatomic, readonly, nullable) MRPlacemarkRequest *nextPage

Declared In


– getPlacemarks

iterates through everything in the results and gives you back an array of placemarks

- (NSArray<MRPlacemark*> *)getPlacemarks

Declared In
