MRDMapViewControllerDelegate Protocol Reference

Declared in MRMapViewController.h


Ability to provide information for the map annotation details. The sheet has a tableview that can be filled with information the way the implementor needs. A tableview is provided for registering cells and other direct manipulation. This is the tableview inside the sheet for the details of that placemark.

– dataSourceForTableView:withPlacemark: required method

A chance to supply a datasource for the sheet’s tableview for a map annotation.

- (id<MRDAnnotationTableDataSource>)dataSourceForTableView:(UITableView *)tableview withPlacemark:(MRPlacemark *)placemark



The tableview that is in the sheet. Allows ability to register cells and deselect if necessary.


The placemark data of the annotation selected.

Return Value

A UITableDataSource compliant with MRDAnnotationTableDataSource.

Declared In
