MRLocationManager Class Reference

Inherits from NSObject
Declared in MRLocationManager.h


Estimates a Location using available technology, including CoreLocation and iBeacon hardware. Using this class will prompt the user for permission to use Location Services. You may want to check [CLLocationManager locationServicesEnabled] and other related properties to determine if the user has granted permission to use these services.

You MUST provide a message presented to the user when Location Services are requested, by setting one or both of the “purpose strings” in Info.plist using the keys NSLocationAlwaysUsageDescription and NSLocationWhenInUseUsageDescription.


The delegate object to receive update events.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, weak) id<MRLocationManagerDelegate> delegate

Declared In



The last location received. Will be nil until a location has been received.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, strong, readonly) MRLocation *location

Declared In



Returns the current most relevant error condition that may be preventing location from being determined or updated frequently, or nil.

@property (nullable, nonatomic, readonly) NSError *locationError

Declared In


– initWithApp:

Initialize an MRLocationManager with the given “app” in the Editor. Note that this is different than the concept of a “mobile app”. “App” in this case refers to the location within the Meridian Editor which can contain buildings, maps, and other content.

- (instancetype)initWithApp:(MREditorKey *)appKey



A key that represents a Meridian app.

Declared In


– startUpdatingLocation

Start updating location as determined by ranging for Location Beacons and/or using the system location manager. Calling this method may may trigger a request for “when in use” location authorization, which requires certain entries in your app’s Info.plist.

- (void)startUpdatingLocation

Declared In


– stopUpdatingLocation

Stop updating location.

- (void)stopUpdatingLocation

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